The Better Question

2022 Leadership Cohort | Feb 13th - Mar 16th

You’re a Leader

You invest in others, and people depend on you. The hustle is real, and you’re in the game making stuff happen. Trust us, we know the world of HiPo leaders. Of all the expectations others have of you, your expectation of yourself is even greater.

Our hearts beat for leaders like you, so we built a one-month experience to re-launch your leadership into 2022.

The BQ Leadership Cohort is condensed into a robust but attainable month.

One month, all in, and you bring your leadership back to the world more meaningfully than ever before.


What will you gain?

  • Get clear on what you want and where you’re headed.

  • Architect and begin your leadership development plan for the year.

  • A community of passionate leaders who help cultivate your growth.

  • Uncover your current leadership growth edge.

  • Develop 4 superpowers to level up your leadership.

  • A solid daily habit of asking great questions about your leadership.

What do you get?

  • 01

    Powerful daily questions in The Better Question Workbook

    -10 - 20 minutes
    -31 days in a row

  • 02

    4 leadership coaching sessions with an outstanding coach

    -One on One
    -60 minutes

  • 03

    4 live workshops with all cohort members to cultivate 4 superpowers - curiosity, courage, developing others, agency + your “next faithful step.”

    -One per week (via Zoom)
    -2 hours

  • 04

    Peer engagement with like minded leaders to dive deeper into the daily question.

    -Daily quick connect with 1 peer
    -On Slack with all throughout

Is it for me?

If any of the phrases or words below resonate with you, then yes it is for you.


Do you want a leadership development experience that actually helps you grow?

Are you a busy person who could use a little space (and accountability + structure) to focus on your development?

Do you sense there is more inside of you that needs to emerge?

Are you ready to give coaching a try as a part of your leadership development?

Are you considering transition or feel stuck but ready to invest in the way forward

Descriptors: High potential, full plate, leader, entrepreneur, busy, making stuff happen, influencer, people depend on you, manage others, care about others, passionate, interested in leveling up.

  • Draw out of you.

    Core Questions

    What do I want and where am I heading?

    How does my leadership need to develop?

    How am I developing my team and others around me?

    How am I architecting the way forward?

  • Build into you.




    Developing Others

    Agency & Next Steps




Feb 13, 2022 - Mar 16 2022


$2,600 investment *

Early bird price sign up by Jan 27th, $2,200.

Many employers cover professional development costs for team members, and if you need any help convincing your boss, we would be happy to send you some additional notes on how they will benefit.

Email Christian “Bo” Gross

There are many excuses not to dive in. Most of them are simply doing their job as excuses; to limit your potential and keep you status quo.  The BQ Leadership Cohort is not for the lazy ones, it’s for the hungry ones.  If you’re ready to bring another level to your leadership, stop what you’re doing, sign up and join us.