Learning to lead, again.

Good leaders learn how to lead. 
Great leaders learn how to lead, again.

I recently met with a couple of CEOs who gave me great hope. They both spoke of the rapid acceleration going on in their teams. They talked about opportunities to seize and markets to capture. They spoke about their teams and the gaps that exist (capacity, skill, leadership) to get where they need to go. But then they talked about their own leadership and how they need to grow to meet the moment. They have enrolled themselves as lifelong learners.

Both are making a conscious decision to learn how to lead, again. 

They could act like they have it in the bag, rely on what they know, sit back, sip on lemonade, and let the chips fall. But they're great leaders, so they consciously choose continued development. We went on to talk about how they’re investing time and resources in their own learning and growth. Relevant ideas, books, and leaders they might glean from. We talked about the type of people and programs that could be valuable to them and facilitate their next layer of growth.

If you're a leader, you must ask yourself, am I committed to learning to lead, again?

If you're busy busy busy, swimming in challenges or opportunities, and assuming you have no time to invest in your leadership development, congrats, you're in good company. You, like many others, have a choice. Do I commit myself to learning again, or do I let the chips fall?

Here are four questions you might start with:

  1. How will your leadership need to grow for your team to go where they need to go?

  2. What barrier or challenge do you seem to continually face right now?

  3. What are you genuinely curious about diving into but simply haven't invested any time in?

  4. What is the cost of not committing to "learn again" right now?

Great leaders learn to lead, again. The choice is up to you.

If you need a partner in learning to lead again,
we're here for ya.


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